From Jessica to Jack: story of a transition — Film Screening of Un uomo deve essere forte (A man must be strong), and Q&A with the directors
October 28, 2021 · 4:00 pm—6:00 pm ·
Department of French and Italian

• The film will be open to the Campus Community and available from October 13th until October 27th, in Italian with English subtitles.
• Follow the Q&A (in English) with the film directors Ilaria Ciavattini and Elsi Perino, on Thursday, October 28th at 4pm via Zoom.
• Screening and Zoom Links:
Please email Kelly Eggers: keggers@princeton.edu for the links for the film screening and to participate in the Zoom Q&A.
Students enrolled in Italian courses will be provided the links from their instructors through Canvas.
Support for this event has been provided in part by Princeton University’s Lewis Center for the Arts, the Program in Gender and Sexuality Studies, the Humanities Council, and the Program in Italian Studies.