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A Collective of One: Umberto Boccioni’s I/We and Photography before Futurism

Louis A. Simpson International Building - A71

Sometime between 1905 and 1907, the artist Umberto Boccioni stepped into a photographic cabinet to sit for a “multigraph”: a fivefold (self-)portrait created with the aid of an unseen mirror.  Appealing to the general public as the twentieth century progressed, the format would also become a visual calling-card for several avant-gardists.  Yet Boccioni’s multigraph stands […]

The Transnational Samurai: Nation-building and Community Searching in the Twentieth Century Italian Far-right

Green Hall 0-S-9

This talk explores the origin and development of the Italian fascination with Japanese samurais in the aftermath of the 1904 Russo-Japanese War and the rise of a young, nationalistic movement in Italy. Far from representing a simple, exotic, and monolithic image, the samurai warrior inspired multiple adaptations ranging from the loyal soldier to the spiritual […]

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