Revisiting Handel’s Chamber Cantatas
Ellen Harris MIT
December 10, 2018 · 4:30 pm—6:00 pm · 102 Woolworth
Program in Italian Studies and Department of Music

A Musicology Colloquium Talk by Ellen Harris (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
“Since the publication of Handel as Orpheus: Voice and Desire in the Chamber Cantatas in 2001, I have continued writing about the cantatas, often looking more closely at specific patrons or cantatas, and other scholars have joined in the discussion. Although the cantatas are now generally accepted as a rich musical treasure, there is yet no general consensus about their patrons, provenance, or meaning; the continuo cantatas remain without an edition, and the edition of the instrumental cantatas is flawed. In my paper, I will offer specific case studies outlining some of the most important unresolved issues arising from this still little-known repertoire.”
Free and open to all. Reception to follow.