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Dangerous Flight: Amerindian Featherwork, Michelangelo, and the Violence of Natural History

Louis A. Simpson International Building - A71

In Michelangelo’s drawings for Tommaso de’ Cavalieri the motifs of wings and feathers have long been understood to serve metaphorical ends, alluding simultaneously to Neoplatonic concepts of divine ascent and the dangerous allure of mortal desire.  In this paper, I propose that this double-edged hermeneutic, deeply informed by Dantean and Ovidian poetics of flight, could […]

Antikythera: Philosophy of Planetary Computation in the Design Studio (Recent Projects and Provocations)

219 Aaron Burr Hall

As Stanisław Lem once put it, some technologies are instrumental, providing a means through which to change the world, but others are ultimately existential in significance, revealing aspects of reality previously unknowable and thus changing how intelligence knows the world and comprehends itself. Computation, both discovered and invented, is both instrumental and existential.   Antikythera […]

Caterina’s Smile

A71 Louis A. Simpson Building

Prof. Carlo Vecce, a renowned scholar in the life and works of Leonardo da Vinci, recently made a surprising discovery about Leonardo's mother Caterina. Vecce will talk about his novel […]

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